These are looking nice, I'd suggest a couple of tweaks though. The pingpong ball and the tennis ball have a little bit too much squash and stretch for this task, it's supposed to be more like realism to demonstrate the difference in principles that give weight to objects and characters. :)
Thanks for all of the feedback Nat. I'll de-squish the ping pong and tennis balls to a more realistic standard, and go back over the facial morph asap.
Hey Joel,
ReplyDeleteThese are looking nice, I'd suggest a couple of tweaks though. The pingpong ball and the tennis ball have a little bit too much squash and stretch for this task, it's supposed to be more like realism to demonstrate the difference in principles that give weight to objects and characters. :)
Thanks for all of the feedback Nat. I'll de-squish the ping pong and tennis balls to a more realistic standard, and go back over the facial morph asap.